The human experience

I didn't post yesterday, sorry, so I'm doing a double posting today.

I've been really into the holocaust, North Korea, and Les Miserable lately. I don't think its because I am all that morbid, negative, or longing for revolution. I don't find joy in the pain of others.

I think I'm just fascinated by the human experience.

From the start of the Bible, the first story that really, truly, surprised me was Cain and Able. I am now not blown away at God creating everything. Not because I have some big intellect or because it isn't amazing. Rather, I just know that creating and doing world changing things are just a part of God's nature. Its what He does, and what He continues to do.

And it isn't a surprise that Adam and Eve took the fruit. We do that every day.

But that a man could be so quickly driven to murder because He didn't have approval from God. That is interesting, that is surprising. That is the human experience.

It gives us a taste of all that was to come. God would continue to do good, to create, to save, to love. We would continue to choose ourselves, and trust in our own wisdom. And some.... some would choose to play God. To take lives.

It doesn't excite me, it doesn't make we want it, but it does make me want to understand it.


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