Five Iron Friday #11

I have an evil plan
to save the world for every man,
and I think it's better than the way it's being run.
Oh, the ground works laid,
no don't be afraid,
I'm sure that I can fix it,
when I figure out the physics.

My evil plan to save the world,
just you wait 'till it's unfurled,
it'll go down in history.
It's prophetic, no it's not pathetic.
I can't believe I made it up myself.

I have an evil plan, to save the world you understand,
the exemplary feat,
you'd think I'd have to cheat.
I'd make Voltaire proud, deep and furrow browed.
Uncanny and so clever,
it's 'Our Newest Plan Ever!'
-My Evil Plan to Save the World, Five Iron

Now, I like this song just because I like it. It's got a good beat, it's catchy, and it's the first song that I really got into by Five Iron.

I think we've all got a plan to change the world. No matter how obtuse or imperfect, we think that we could fix things, or we view a certain group as the enemy. If only they would "stop it" we'd have this whole thing figured out.

I think this song pokes fun at that idea. Because we like to decide on people. We love being sure that we are 100% right, and they have nothing but wrong, and poor ideas. It is hard to live without that kind of thinking, or at least, it isn't very natural.

I don't have any kind of plan, evil or otherwise, that will make this world any better. It isn't in my hands. I can only work for the King whose hands this world rests.


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