We cling to things. Small bits of hope or excitement that get us through moments of time. They become our truth and reality. We believe so fervantly in things which we do not fully understand (not that all great things can or should be understood). But we do grasp to small beliefs, because for those moments in life when there was seemingly little to hold onto, those little things did the trick. Or at least, they coincided with us making it through. And so for us, those beliefs are true because we lived them.

They are the kinds of things that separate denominations. The kinds of things that separate families. It is hard to argue with someone's truth. When you pull them away, you pull away their crutch, their livelihood. You pull at the pharisees and saducees, you pull at the false teachers. You may even find you, on occassion, pull at your own beliefs and certainties.

But we must pull. We must be truthseekers. Because there are things that, even at this moment, I believe with my whole heart. And of those things, and I am certain of this, of at least some of these things, I am wrong. I will not know what I'm wrong about until the other side, but I should live knowing that I may not be perfectly right. That I do indeed have things to learn.

I must also have the things of which I am certain. Hills to die on. Hills where I would be alright if my gravestone was laid there. I must believe that life is not relative. That there is an equation working that is greater than I understand, and that only God knows all things, but of those things, He is certain, and He is in control of. I must also understand and fully believe, that evil is allowed, because He must allow it. That sin really is death. That it all has a consequence. I must believe just the words He says to me. I should be ready to be wrong about everything else.

Its why I love discussing that book. As relevant as 2+2=4 is right now. Someday, I may find we were wrong all along. There are many subjects I love, but only one subject that is not passing, and that I must be certain of.


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