Five Iron Friday #10

I know that you're probably mad at me.
I've come to expect that.
You know that you'll never have all of me,
you've come to resent that.
You say "tomato", I say "video games",
you're acting so solemn.
You'll take the precious remote control from me.
Do I sound like Gollum?
(It's) not that I'm escaping,
you charm me like the flame does moths,
it's just that you'd prefer me docile,
like a narcoleptic sloth.

The wizard needs food badly,
the Voltron can't be incomplete.
The things I love, you hate so madly,
I must not go down in defeat.
-Wizard Needs Food Badly, Five Iron

I've been looking forward to commenting on this song for a long time. Five Iron is certainly a boy band, not in that they are a boy band, but in the fact that they are a band for boys. See what I did there? I made you all worried and then I made it OK?

Anyway, this is a guy issue, and one reason why men and women, as much as we belong together, and need each other, will never fully understand each other. I have this drive for adventure, a passion for completion, and desire to in the end, BE SOMEBODY that my wife will simply never feel. I want a dragon to fight. Right now, 10 minutes ago. If I die, I die, but I want to fight it. Its OK that we have this difference, but it most certainly is there.

If you were to ask me what I want in life, the answer may not have an end. There are books that I see every day that I worry I may never have a chance to read. Games I may never get to play, or maybe even worse, never even hear about. I'll die before I even know about them. I want to experience everything. I am insatiable in this respect. My longing for adventure leads me to playing video games with my friends, retelling old stories of adventures gone by, and longing for a day when we can make them again. Call me an extrovert, I just call myself a guy. Yesh!


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