Reflections on Childhood

Go ride your bike
Go climb a tree
Box of crayons
Tire swings
Jump with a friend into the creek
And hey you might just skin your knee
Make time for catchin' fireflies
Lie in the grass smile at the sky
Don't be afraid to laugh or cry
More bedtime prayers
More asking why
-Kids Again, Chris Rice

I think we've lost something. The innocence that both holds us and keeps us.

We lose it when we jump into relationships, and drag baggage everywhere with us. We lose it when we place the weight of the world on our shadows. When our jobs completely overwhelm and become us. Our hearts are bound more than they ever have.

We've given up the time, out there, that we used to live for. And God would find us there.

So often we think that He must be found a certain ways, or at least, only ways that we've found Him before. Our food always comes from the store, or from a restaurant. Our money always comes from the same places. Our friends are always found in their homes, or in the same places we always meet. Our God must always be found in the same place too, right?

We've stopped asking why. We just right into frustration, and into figuring it all out ourselves, never even giving a chance to something greater.

When I was a kid...

I was much more often...



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