Mumford Attacks!

But do not ask the price I pay
I must live with my quiet rage
Tame the ghosts in my head
That run wild and wish me dead
Should you shake my ash to the wind
Lord forget all of my sins
And let me die where I lie
Beneath the curse of these lovers eyes
- Lover's Eyes, Mumford & Sons


I want that out of my band.

Its what He was talking about when He wanted us to be Children of the Light. It isn't to be perfect, spotless, or good enough. It was a call to be honest. We are all sinners and failures and fools. But some are honest with it, and they shall be called Children of the Light. They want to live in the light.

I like this song, its like a little prayer, of having these ghosts (that we all have), that torture us and are out to get us. And then to simply want for our sins to be forgiven, that we might live withotu regret, to lay some things down. And then the bridge is all about walking slow, asking for help, for a hand to hold onto.

I don't know whats happened to me, I've been into way too much folky music lately. Sorry Rock'n'Rollers, guess I'm a sell out.


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