Ideal Age

There isn't an ideal age. Little kids have the greatest capacity for cuteness, and may be the most hopeful of all age groups. They haven't been jaded by the world. But they aren't cultured, they can't take care of themselves. Teenagers may still have some hope, and some good ideas. Their ideals may not yet be corrupted, they may still feel that they can change the world and "do what they want". Those are all positive. But they also may be the age where they aren't willing to listen, they may think of themselves more highly than they ought, and there isn't always the effort behind the ideas to make them work. Young adults start to already buy into the system. They are likely to buy into radical ideals, and chase after all the wrong dragons. They want to be served in a world that doesn't serve them anymore. Middle Agers may be the most productive and best paid. But they also may seek those things and put them on a higher level than other, more important, more lasting needs. Old folks may have the most overall knowledge, they have been there and done that. They may also have the clearest picture of what is truly valuable in life. They also may feel that they have few choices to change the world.


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