
Hey, I'm back. I was home sick the past couple of days. Sore throat and the coughing up a lung disease. It has been a fairly good day so far, I've still got my scarf wrapped around my neck though. I'm concerned about a lot of things right now, that I really can only interract with through prayer, which is hard for me. There are people that I really care about, that I hope for a change of heart in. Pastor Phil was right when he said that one of the hardest parts in life is not what you have to do, but what you cannot do. I can't make people's hearts change, I can't make sick people well, I can't give people all the time that they need and rightfully deserve. That is a harsh reality. But, I do have access to someone that can. I have to hold to that. My grandma was always comforted in that, she couldn't be everywhere, and get everywhere she wanted/needed to be, but she always had a way, in her thoughts, in her actions, in her dealings with me and my family, of improving situations, of doing more than she could do on her own. I need to pursue that.


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