This side

What is it about the sound of water, beating against the rocks that puts us to sleep? It's constant, is that it? Natural sounds. We make machines to emulate them. I am a couple hundred miles from a lake large enough to form waves that could sooth me to sleep, yet I can carry that comfort with me. I can play that sweet music into my ears, and it can trick my mind into some kind of comfort. I don't even know why. I feel that we know so little about even the things that we enjoy, and the things that we need. We are conditioned, and have needs that we can't understand. This side of eternity there are mysteries, and I'm not sure that I entirely want the mystery to end. I hope there is always more to know, even when face to face with the One that knows all of it. Surely, He likes a good mystery. He has certainly placed me in one.


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