
Freedom Mystery is tied to freedom. In some way we never quite get to grapple with, we long for freedom. It is linked to this belief that there are experiences we are yet to have. The best day we know, is simply the best day that we are yet to experience. Or we hear stories of places that others have been, and we long to travel to those places, to see those same things. We want to have that same experience, or better. But some of that magic dust is already rubbed off. Freedom I think involves some true surprise. When we discover something on our own. When we feel the freedom from the burden of financial troubles. When we are finally surrounded by friends, and have that night, that moment, that we never really thought possible. Because freedom is much different from disappointment, the latter being much more common in life. Freedom is more than just the ability to do whatever one wishes, but to do precisely what one wishes.


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