Five Iron Friday #13

Beautiful day, wonderful feeling, I feel like singing, psalms meaning songs singing praises all day long. Joy fills the weak, joy makes us strong. Filled 'till we burst, songs of praise to the God of the Universe. Despite our selfish selves, despite all loss of hope, despite our lack of faith, despite our stony hearts, despite the waning moon, despite the ebbing tide of how we think this world should be. -A Flowery Song, FIF Despite so much. The second verse goes on to describe a "gray rainy day" where we don't so much feel like singing praise, yet we are still called to sing praise. We are called to this for a few reasons. First, this life is a momentary light affliction. This life is a singular, this life is an opportunity. Tears will be wiped later. We are also called to this because we don't see the whole picture. We are called to this because we deserve so much worse. We are called to this because others will take notice. Despite our wishes, our walk calls us into pain that we will experience again and again. It calls us into exhaustion, it calls us into agonizing in prayer. Despite all these things, AND because of these things, God should be glorified.


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