3rd of September

New Beginnings. It was a wonderful summer. I got to do maybe half of what I intended to, but I saw many wonderful people, got to see a bunch of new country with my wife, and I feel pretty refreshed. I'll write more about it sometime, but its probably only interesting to me. But now I'm back, being handed syllabuses, rules, regulations. And kids that are still very much in need of an adult to listen to them. I'm ready for it, more ready than last year. But I'm also jumping back into the writing saddle. Writing isn't so much like writing a bike. I mean, my fingers can still find all the keys, but its different. But, on the bright side, that different may be better. When you ride a bike again, you may remember how fun it was to ride. I coasted down a few nice long hills yesterday, you remember how nice it feels, just as it was before. But writing is different, because when you go back to writing, it can be much better. The words meet the page better, sometimes. So I'm excited to find you here. I'm excited to again lay it down here, put into my best words, all that I experience. I've got some topics that I'm excited about. But for today, it is well enough, and I am excited to be excited. God Bless, on this, the 3rd of September.


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