
Marriage & Expectations I wanted to write down my theory on a big difference from dating to marriage, a change that I don't usually hear discussed. When dating, a boy and girl see each other for a couple hours each day that they have together. During that time, there's a lot to talk about. A guy can be very charming, interesting, and funny for a couple hours each day. A girl sees that in a dating relationship, and thinks, I can't wait for every day to be filled with this funny, charming, and very interesting boy. A boy sees that two hour time in a dating relationship as a wonderful time, probably the best part of his day. But he also knows that he can't be that funny, and that charming, and that interesting all day everyday. He hopes to still be able to maintain his adventuring (where he gets his stories from), and his alone time. They both enter into marriage with different expectations. The girl wanting to blow up that two hour time, and a boy wanting more of it, but also knowing that he can't be "that great" all the time.


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