Five Iron Friday #14

An idea dies, in the same slight way, that we lose track of the facts. Slowly, unseen, slipping silently, through some fabricated cracks. And now the freedom of the press, has turned to freedom to impress. Perfect hair, sells product well, like suffocating, sickly smells, the make-up smears, like false pastels, like glossy, sugarcoated, shells. -Five Iron Frenzy, Anchors Away Five Iron stopped caring [if they ever did care] about getting into politics. They went after whatever was wrong, which for me, is just fun, really. In the song "anchors away" they look at not just the danger of television, but also our willingness to buy in, and want more. I think every generation has wanted to feel that they are living in the worst times, or the most pivotal moments in history. We want to believe that we are on the brink, that everything is critical. We are willing to sacrifice a lot for that. Facts. Truth. The idea that the other side, whatever or whoever that is, might be right on some things. We give up all reason. This song really is a call back to that reason, away from the glossy, sugercoated shells.


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