
Enough Its relative, but its also seemingly unreachable. I probably don't need to tell you that. But, one of my favorite passages from Perelandra, the great 2nd book from the Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis, is when the protagonist, Ransom, stumbles upon a fruit. He consumes it, and it immediately satisfies his hunger. It is perfect. Juicy, delicious, and most uniquely, it is enough. He doesn't need another. It is the best thing he's ever eaten but he doesn't long for any more. His need is met in completeness. We all long for that. I find it to be incredible that Lewis even thought of this idea. We all want it, but there is nothing that we can find on this earth that satisfies us. We will find it on the other side of eternity. But over here, this looks much more like a good mindset than any kind of consumable. I hope to get closer to that ideal.


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