Five Iron Friday #15

We're going nowhere, and it's happening fast, a dim future, and a darker past. Somewhere away from here, from past mistakes they often learn, at Fahrenheit 451, you close your doors and let it burn. Pharisees in the church, time to take a vacation. Pharisees think the world comes to them for salvation. -Five Iron Frenzy, Four-Fifty-One Sitting here in my Five Iron shirt, I like to believe that I'm not alone in my beliefs. We have a lack of interest in the salvation of others. We are willing to sacrifice the our own comfort. And so we throw generations of people to the dogs. Unbeknownst to us, we so seal our own fate. When the forgiven refuse to forgive, we haven't learned a thing. We haven't really learned a thing. We lock the doors, and burn up anything valuable at 451. Let us be a different kind of generation. A generation that sees people at more than bullies, sinners, homosexuals, and ruined. But as a field that needs watering. Un-churched are not going to act like we'd like them to.


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