Rolls off your tongue

I am not a good person. That sounds different coming out of the mouth. Prboably should be admitted to more often. You almost want to gulp that one back down your throat when you say it. Isn't that the first declaration a Christian has to make? Isn't that something we should be reminded of a little more often. I'm not saying in every case, I'm sure that there are quite a few people that would be hindered by going back down into that pit. But for someone like me. I need to be broken down continually. I need to be kept humbled and focused on more than myself. I am a bad person. I don't want anything good for anyone but myself. In my own mind, I want my friends to do well so that my experience with them will be better. I want to bless so that I might be known as someone who blesses. I am not a good person. Let it slip from your lips. And with it, remember again that all goodness flows from the river that has been built in you. Remember that we are incapable of goodness on our own. We are a church of bad people. And move forward knowing that because of that river, we are capable of being the people we'd so much like to be.


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